CERTA training demonstrates how proper roof system configuration design and application techniques can result in fire-safe installations. The current CERTA program provides the best practices and newest industry requirements for torching activities. CERTA delivers these requirements through a certification program where authorized trainers deliver effective behavior-based training to roofing workers. There is no comparable program available in the roofing industry.
"The CERTA training program is ideal for contractors whose work involves torch applications. The full-day program trains experienced roof system installers on the safe use of roofing torches used to apply polymer-modified bitumen roofing products. CERTA training shows how proper roof system configuration design and application techniques can result in fire-safe installations"
CERTA Training participants will be able to:
It's simple:
- Insurance Savings
- Hazard/Liability Control
- Employee Safety
CERTA Training lowers the risk for roofing contractors, assures compliance with insurance underwriting guidelines and reduces exposure of personal and corporate assets.
Just ask Frank H.Furman Insurance, the Trusted Insurance Advisors for 82 roofing professionals, with several being in the Top 25 of Roofing Contractors in the nation:
"Brauner Safety Services is our leading safety and loss control partner... Since Brauner Safety Services began providing CERTA training for our clients, their torch losses in our roofing portfolio are zero. Historically torch losses in the roofing industry average a minimum of $1M a month in financial loss. Jim’s ability to engage both field staff and operation leaders on torch application techniques clearly delivers a reduced risk and enhanced efficiencies for our roofing clients.
The reduction in severity and frequency of torch claims is remarkable. A severe torch claim can put a roofing professional out of business for a wide range of reasons including:
1. Inadequate insurance limits to protect the roofing contractor's balance sheet.
2. Potential exposure for future garnished earnings if the roofing contractor's insurance is not adequate to make the building owner whole.
3. A severe torch claim that has significant property damage for a key building owner/client could cause the reoccurring revenue for the key client to discontinue due to poor public relations and loss of income due to the inability to occupy the building /facility.
4. If there is an insurance company policy limit for torch claims suffered by a roofing contractor, there will typically be severe budget increases for the roofing contractor's insurance for the next 5 years.
An elevation in the #3 expense item impacts:
- Gross margins
- Competitive advantage
- Potential cancellation or non-renewal by the insurance provider
- Cash flow impact due to deductible obligations
- Potential breach of contract exposure if the roofing contractor does not meet the construction contract's timeline for completion due to a severe fire damage loss.
The solution is to invest resources in CERTA Training through Jim Brauner at CERTATraining.com. Jim Brauner is the leading CERTA trainer in the country with more than 30 years of experience in the roofing industry and a comprehensive understanding of contractors’ needs and methods for training crews to be prepared for a variety of situations."
Visible flame vs. Flame under infrared heat detector
Copyright © 2025 CERTA Training - All Rights Reserved. CERTA Training is provided by Brauner Safety Services
DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this website is for general educational purposes only and does not constitute legal or other professional advice or guidance. Moreover, the information provided may not be accurate for circumstances or equipment at an individual facility or specific worksite. The author takes no responsibility whatsoever for any person's/entity's use of or application of information provided on this website. Translations of any materials into a language other than English is intended solely as a convenience to non-English-speaking readers. The author has attempted to provide an accurate translation of the original material in English; however, slight differences or deficiencies in the translated material may exist.